Welcome to my daily journal---a place to share my stories, organize my thoughts, and invite others to to catch a glimpse at the general chaos I call life. Some things you'll be able to relate to, and others will make you shake your head in disbelief. At the very least, I hope you're entertained. Feel free to comment, give advice, or just laugh openly and enjoy the show.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

2 Cinnamon Rolls & a Cup of Coffee

Yesterday I broke the best mixing bowl in the world while making my famous cheese ball, I took that as a sign for the end of 2010 which totally sucked by the way.  How would I cope with 2011 without this bowl?  What would I use to make my world famous Salsa, my famous banana cake that I make from scratch, Meatloaf for the gUncles (gay+uncle)?

So this morning as I lay in my bed deciding exactly how I was going to celebrate this 1st day of 2011 all I could come up with was COFFEE...must have coffee.  That's where it hit me, I stood there cleaning up the kitchen, moving Christmas decor to 1 central location to be dealt with later and I suddenly knew what I wanted for 2011 more than anything.  Bowl or no bowl life goes on, I would continue to make the salsa, the cake, the meatloaf and life would go on as NORMAL.  And that is exaclty what I want... nothing too exciting, just NORMAL & HAPPY... oh, and maybe an occasional encounter with a man just to keep things interesting (but I'm not holding my breath on that one)

So the mistletoe is put away for another year... the kitchen is clean, the cinnamon rolls & coffee hit the spot and I have decided that 2011 is going to be a GREAT year...and maybe just maybe I'll get the mistletoe out in July just to see what happens!!!  A girl can wish can't she!!!

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