Welcome to my daily journal---a place to share my stories, organize my thoughts, and invite others to to catch a glimpse at the general chaos I call life. Some things you'll be able to relate to, and others will make you shake your head in disbelief. At the very least, I hope you're entertained. Feel free to comment, give advice, or just laugh openly and enjoy the show.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

I Need a New Sandbox

Dinner with the girls...innocent enough.  Chips, Salsa, Beer....the usual....arriving home at 4:30am.  I'M TO OLD FOR THIS!!!

1st of all... when Molly gets out (which isn't often) she tends to go off the deep end.  We ended up on the dance floor of a local club, nothing major, just dancing.  Molly pulled a chair out to the middle of the dance floor and danced on it... while I was trying to keep track of her all the other girls left.  NICE...but that's okay because BOTH of my ex's showed up...the 18month 1 night stand and Mr. Forever. 

Now, this is the 1st time I've seen Mr. Forever since I packed up all of my shoes and the coffee pot and left, that was 7 months ago.  So, you could say I wasn't exactly prepared when he approached me.  He tried to apologize for what he did, I threw my beer on him.  Most of the beer landed on me... 18month guy saw that and cracked up laughing...so the rest of the beer went on him! JERK!

I have to tell you, the things running through my head when Mr Forever was standing in front of me were "Do I look skinny in this outfit? I hope my hair looks good. Do I have lipstick on? I shouldn't have worn these boots. Good Grief he got fat!"

So after a little drama, a little dancing and a little beer I finally convinced Molly it was time to call it a night.  2 hours later 18month guy carried her to my car and buckled her in.  He followed us to make sure she got home ok...and then I followed him to his house...

WHAT HAPPENED TO MY BAR?  Because 18month guy doesn't come close to where the bar is set...but my oh my... I did quickly remember why I enjoyed him...

HEY, don't judge me... I'm pushing 40...and sometimes it's just fun to not think about what you're doing and just do it! 

So, lesson learned... Find a new sandbox to play in...This one has too many Ex's in it!

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